You are now logged in to the system. What can I do now that I'm logged in? This web site offers you many powerful web-based services, such as:
- Committees - View your current and past committee involvement; Join or resign from a committee; View committee member listings.
- Committee Leadership - As a leader of a committee, you can view active and/or inactive members, receive a tab-delimited text file of the membership, communicate with committee members.
Meetings and Conferences
- View all upcoming events for the association.
- Receive comprehensive detail about the event, hotels, speakers, exhibitors and more.
- Register on-line for events.
- Join during the registration process and save money.
- View all of the latest news.
- View job postings, announcements and much more.
- Special content just for you in the Members Only area.
Searches and Directories
- Find other members or companies using the online directory.
- Find members that share similar interests, job responsibilities and more.
Keep your information up-to-date
- Update your address and other record information.
- Change your user name and logon.
- View your order history.
- Update your demographics.
- View past and current committee involvement.
Voice your opinion in the Questionnaire Area
- Cast your vote for elections.
- Check back often to answer questionnaires.